
Pricing is subject to change.
Engine Block Services-
Thermal Cleaning & Shot Blasting $100
Engine Block Prep (drilling & tapping oil gally holes and install plugs and cam bearings) $100
Engine Block Boring & Honing up to .030 over
8 Cylinder $250- With Torque Plate $275
6 Cylinder $225
4 Cylinder $200
Performance Block Boring- By the job, call for prices​
Rough Bore Engine Block with Boring Bar .030 or over is necessary $50 per hole
Engine Block Honing
8 Cylinder $175- With Torque Plate $200
6 Cylinder $150
4 Cylinder $125
Deck Engine Block​
V-Style Block $225
L-Style Block $175
Deck with BHJ Plate to Spec $275​
Line Hone Main Bores $200+parts
Pressure Test Engine Block $100
Cylinder Head Services-
Pressure Testing $85 Single, $125 Pair
Solvent Check Valves $25
Valve Seat Work (Valve Job)
8 Cylinder (non overhead cam) $300
6 Cylinder (non overhead cam) $280
4 Cylinder (non overhead cam) $225
8 Cylinder (overhead cam) $350
6 Cylinder (overhead cam) $325
4 Cylinder (overhead cam) $275
Remove and Replace Valve Guides- Call for Price
Valve Seat Remove and Replace- Call for Price
Performance Valve Jobs- Call For Price
Cylinder Head Milling​ $85 Single Head, $125 Pair of Heads
Diesel Head Work-
Valve Job $450
Pressure Test 6 Cyl Cummins $150
Mill 6 Cyl Cummins $200
Valve Spring Seat Machining- Call for Price
Valve Guide Machining for Seals- Call for Price
Rocker Stud Machining- Call for Price
Crankshaft Machining-
Precision Crankshaft Grinding $190
Crankshaft Superfinishing $75
Computerized Crankshaft Balancing $250 External, $200 Internal
Magnaflux Crankshaft $55
Crankshaft Straightening- Call for Price
Performance Crankshaft Stroking- Call for Price
Chamfering Oil Holes $35
Connecting Rod Machining-
Check Rods for Straight $7 Each
Magnafluxing Rods $50
Rebuilding of Connecting Rod Big End
8 Cylinder $120
6 Cylinder $100
4 Cylinder $80
Rebushing of Connecting Rod Small End​​
8 Cylinder $120
6 Cylinder $100
4 Cylinder $80
Removal & Installation of Pistons off and on Rods​
Each $35
8 Cylinder $120
6 Cylinder $100
4 Cylinder $80
Flywheel Machining​-
Flywheel Grinding
Flat (no dowels) $70
Flat (with dowels) $80
2 Step (no dowels) $90
2 Step (with dowels) $100
Neutral Balance Flywheel $100​
Remove & Replace Ring Gear $35
Complete Engine Overhaul-
Domestic Automotive Engines- Call for Price
All Marine Gas Engines- Call for Price
Light Duty Industrial Engines- Call for Price
We do not supply rental cars for any service or warranty work we are providing.